Sunday, March 1, 2009


Assembly Cost Estimate

The estimating for the assembly cost estimate was easier than the unit cost estimate. The items that I chose for the assembly cost estimate were broader than the unit cost items. They included more items. The actual computation of the items to find out the total cost was not too difficult. It took a little extra time to come up with several items in the assembly cost because RS Means did not have the exact matches that I needed. I had to convert what I had into what I needed.

Unit Cost Estimate

The unit cost estimate was more difficult to do than the assembly cost estimate. It took more time to find the exact items that I needed to include in my estimate. It wa a lot more confusing when I was looking at RS Means to distinguish the necessary items. The calculations, once I got the items, were not too difficult to calculate. The estimating taught me that assembly estimates are more inclusive, so there will be fewer items in it than in an unit cost estimate.
Overall, a detail estimate is more time consuming and much more difficult than a conceptual estimate. The conceptual estimate is much broader on the items, than the detailed estimate. The detailed estimate is more exact. It would be the estimate that would be used as the construction project evolves overtime. The conceptual estimate is an estimate that would be used at the beginning of the construction process to get the price range for the project.

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